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Challenge and Conquest Youth Programs


Clear Water Academy is proud to host the Challenge and Conquest Youth Program for students in Grades 5 to 8 for the 2024-25 school year! Students in Grade 4 will have the opportunity to participate in the second semester, beginning January 2025. Students in Grades 9 to 12 have the opportunity to be youth club leaders.

This independent parent-led after school program offers extra-curricular activities that support the integral formation of girls and boys.  The Challenge and Conquest programs are virtue-centered and intertwined with service projects for a lived experience of faith in action. 

Students who are registered for the Challenge and Conquest Clubs meet every Friday after school for engaging and formational youth activities. For more information, please contact Fr. Michael Picard, Assistant Chaplain. 

The Great Adventure AWAIT!
Fun, Formative, And Leadership Growth
Grade 5-8 Club Fee: (Full Year) $230 per student; (Half Year) $115 per student
Grade 4 Club Fee: (Half Year) $115 per student
INCLUDES: snacks, t-shirts, and apostolic projects.
It will also cover some of the cost for special outings and retreats. 
Challenge and Conquest meetings take place regularly on Fridays from 2:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. Students will be picked up by their Team Leaders at the pick-up line after school and can be picked up by parents from the gym after the meeting. High School Team Leaders will have their own team time approximately once a month, and the timing may vary. We also organize retreats, summer camps, and integration trips, such as ski trips and camp-out missions.
Challenge and Conquest
View highlights from the first semester, which included a leadership weekend retreat for youth club leaders, a bowling night, a visit to the Chartwell Royal Park Senior Living Home, and a Christmas party!
Looking ahead to 2025 - There are many more outings, special service projects, missions, and retreats planned for the next semester. Don't miss your chance to be a part of this fun and formational club!
Volunteer Sign Up for ECYD
These enriching after-school programs for students would not be possible without the generous support of parent volunteers and leaders. Please consider sharing your time and talent and making a difference for students by becoming a volunteer for the Challenge and Conquest programs. Sign Up Here!