Junior High | Grades 7 - 9
Our Junior High program is designed to cultivate the essential habits that will prepare students for their ongoing success. At the Junior High level, students gain increased academic and spiritual autonomy, fostering greater personal responsibility, accountability, and self-awareness. Our teachers are dedicated to helping students reach their full potential. Small class sizes allow our teachers to build stronger relationships with students and their families.
In Grades 7-9, our students develop and strengthen their character. Recognizing the distinct learning and social styles of each gender, we offer separate classes for boys and girls from Grades 4 through 9. While our curriculum and high academic standards make no distinction between genders, our educators implement teaching strategies that empower students to tap into their special interests, and apply developmentally appropriate methods for girls and boys from Grade 4 through Grade 9. Our co-ed campus offers boys and girls ample opportunities to socialize together in a fun, caring, and faith-filled environment, through extra-curricular activities, sports, social and formational events, mission trips, and elective (option) courses.
Highlights of Grades 7 - 9







Our rigorous curriculum surpasses the Alberta Education requirements. Our highly skilled teachers encourage students to achieve their full potential in a nurturing environment. In addition to our university preparatory academic program, we also offer several elective courses.
We believe in the importance of developing a well-rounded set of skills and competencies and, therefore, offer a variety of extra-curricular activities to supplement our academic program including architecture, performing arts, debate society, sports teams, choir, and student council.

At Clear Water Academy, we are motivated to engage our Junior High students in athletics to help develop the “human” dimension of their formation. Through involvement in sports, students exercise Christian virtues such as charity, obedience, patience, fortitude, and self-control. We offer a broad range of sports, enabling students to discover their potential for growth while nurturing a passion and love for athletics.
Crusader Athletics teams compete in the Calgary Independent Schools Athletics Association (ISAA) sports league. Our teams regularly qualify at the provincial level in basketball, volleyball, track and field, cross country, golf, badminton, and soccer.
Youth Clubs

Clear Water Academy is proud to offer a program of fun and formative clubs for boys and girls – The Conquest Boys Club and the Challenge Girls Club for our students in Grades 4 to 8. This extracurricular after-school program is an extension of our educational model of integral formation providing students with the opportunity to participate in Christ-centered youth club activities aimed at strengthening bonds with their peers and growing their faith.
Students can also participate in a variety of off-campus events and activities, including retreats, hikes, ski trips, and missions. Our students in Grades 9 to 12 have the opportunity to be club leaders for the Conquest and Challenge clubs.
Elective Course Offerings

The elective course selection in Junior High supports interdisciplinary learning that promotes the development of skills and competencies for communication, collaboration, and problem-solving.
Elective courses offered at Clear Water Academy include fine arts, computer science, languages, creative writing, film studies, media studies, fitness, and outdoor education. Our elective offerings vary each term and are presented in co-ed classes.

Discover our campus located in Currie Barracks, Calgary! Join us for a school tour to immerse yourself in our vibrant educational community!
Mary-Kate Wasch
Interim Admissions Director